16 Mayıs 2020 Cumartesi

Jihadi Ekber Military Asian Battalion Russian Muslims on the Iraqi Front

The Northern Turks, who fell into camps after being recruited into the tsarist Russian army in World War I, and because of this they heroically fought on the Iraqi front, taking part in the Ottoman army after the declaration of Jihadi Ekber, who remained unknown and formed the Asian battalion, his story was first turned into a book.


According to journalist and research writer Mehmet Poyraz, who prepared the book, articles written about them over the course of a century did not cross the fingers of both hands, but in some history textbooks they were just a bet.

The book of the Jihadi Ekber Military Asian Battalion, in which academic sensitivity is not ignored, consists of three chapters based on a chronological classification. Firstly, international events before the formation of the Asian battalion are on the table.


The causes of the First World War, the relations of the Ottoman Empire, Germany and Russia, the results of these relations, which will influence the formation of the Asian battalion, are discussed in detail.

It is noteworthy that the camps created especially for Muslim prisoners of war who happened in these camps in Germany and Austria, the visit of opinion leaders such as Mehmet Akif and Abdyurreshid Ibrahim, the publication of newspapers in the camp and the construction of a mosque. The most important of them is the process of creating the Asian battalion.


After the first war with the Russian army and the captive adventures that they subsequently experienced, new hopes for soldiers who are very enthusiastic and enthusiastic about the people of the Asian battalion are on their trips to Istanbul, Anatolia, Kerablus and Baghdad.


The jihadists of the Asian battalion, who fled from front to front for almost two years, taking part in the Ottoman army and made up the northern Turks from Russian Muslims, are identical to all the rulers of the military profession in every geography to which they are sent.


In the book of the Jihadi Ekber Military Asian Battalion, which Mehmet Poyraz has carefully prepared for two years, the Asian Battalion, which is an expression of strict adherence to the jihadist consciousness of Islam, is not hidden. In reverse, he presents this in the light of the hope of the present and the future.

The heroes of the book, whose name is mentioned in the names of Enver Pasha, Talat Pasha, Yusuf Akchura, Hamdullah Sufi Tanriever, Chekip Arslan, Ahmet Agaoglu and Alimjan Idris, and whose subtitle is on the Iraqi front of Russian Muslims in the Syrian and Iraqi territories, you can be sure to read their experiences without breathing.

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